

This public artwork titled “20/20” uses the format of a Snellen Chart in a playful manner. Instead of testing visual acuity as the eye chart is intended, 20/20 rather presents a list of asks. This year has forced us to see humanity through a different lens. 20/20 captures viewers’ attention from a distance with large format lettering and engages them further at an intimate level, close-up with small format lettering. 20/20 begs the question: What will we do now?

This temporary animation of a vacant storefront at 707A Douglas Street, Victoria, BC by ETTA partners Robyn and Mark is part of a program by the City of Victoria established to help promote the arts. The work of local emerging and established artists, designers and illustrators will be showcased throughout the downtown core in 2020 & 2021 in the form of murals in alley ways, squares and artwork and installations in signage kiosks and vacant storefronts.
